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Results for "author_first: Frederic & Mary Ann, author_last: Brussat"
A Prayer for Those Challenging the Tools of War This is the Age of Weaponized Drones. They are widely used in the war against terrorists and other enemies of the state. Hard facts on the frequency and targets of drone attacks are difficult to com…
A Prayer for Leadership Great God, on November 8, 2016, the people of the United States will elect a new president. We know that guidance is needed for voters and candidates alike. News: The Republican Party is holding …
A Prayer for Protection of Sacred Lands and Waters Great Spirit, you have created a beautiful world for us to live in. You have sent rains and snow to fill our rivers. You have made the land rich in nutrients for our plants and animals. We want to s…
A Prayer for Global Refugees Balm to the Weary, we are shocked and saddened by the news that there are more refugees in the world today than have been recorded since the United Nations began collecting numbers in the early 1950…
A Prayer for Healing Action in the World Upon hearing the heartwrenching and horrifying news of the shooting assault on the Tree of Life Jewish congregation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, we asked Rabbi Ted Falcon of the Interfaith Amigos fo…
A Prayer for Ending Police Racism and Violence News: An article by Kate Stringer in spells out a crisis: "After being pulled over for a busted taillight on July 6, Philando Castile informed a Minnesota police officer at his wi…
A Prayer for Cheetahs and Other Nearly Extinct Animals "God of all creation, you created animals to roam the earth and fish to fill the seas. We pray for creatures on the verge of extinction, specifically that those responsible for poaching and pollutin…
A Prayer for Animal Protections and Rights God Who Breaks Chains, we pray for all animals who suffer and feel pain because so many humans have never bothered to consider the question of animal rights. Help us to see that these creatures have…
A Prayer for Africa's Animals Lover of Animals, we are grieving the death of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe. We are concerned about all the other African lions, rhinos, and elephants who are victims of poachers and "trophy" hunters.…
A Blow to the Belly of Consumerism In an article on CNNMoney, Chris Isidore notes that malls are doomed; between 20% and 25% of American malls will close within five years, according to a new report from Credit Suisse. Estimates are …